Hi from Pete and my Air Arms s400 and me!

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#1 Hi from Pete and my Air Arms s400 and me!

Thu Nov 15, 2018 12:35 pm


Hi all I'm new to this site but it looks like it's going to be fun, but i should say right now i'm really crap with computers, and to my shame i used to be an electronics engineer, but then computers were not around when i did my papers, and that's my excuse m'lord! and that's my way of saying i'll probably do this all wrong! -Apologies in advance.

I got back into shooting after an accident that left me in a wheel chair back in 1998 and had to take early retirement being unable to work, so a renewed interest in shooting but no job! humm, a bad combination, so i did what i always do in such situations, i decided to have a go and make one, i mean how hard can it be? well as it turned out it's no surprise to say it's Not easy, in fact it's Well Hard!, but i had a lathe i had inherited from my late dad-in-law, but no idea how to use it, so after a lot of reading and messing things up (and a good bit of swearing!) i learnt how to use a lathe, then studied more on how to work "safely" with high pressure pneumatics, well my first PCP rifle took me two years to make and it was in all honesty rubbish!! but it did work and i learned so very much along the way, later versions were much better, not that i ever intended to sell anything i make but the VCR bill prevents me for doing so anyway, so members of the family, (youngest daughter and son's-in-law) all now shoot, anyway enough of that, i also enjoy and shooting and restoring older air rifles, they are all PCP types as my disability prevents me from using springers.

My current project is restoring an old Air Arms 'TM-100', it's a lovely bit of kit and really well made with the sort of build quality just not seen in todays rifles, i am well on the way with it, and i'm doing it in such away it will shoot well when finished by fitting some freshly made new internal parts but by doing no harm or modification's to the rifle it's self, i.e. i have spun-up a new regulator and made a 'Floating-Hammer' for it, and keeping all the removed parts safe, so if at some time in the future it should become more of a collectors item it can be fully restored to it's original state with out ever having done any harm to the TM100 or any of it's internal parts.

If any one out there has, or has worked on a TM-100 i'd love to hear from them, like on my TM-100 it has an 'Olympic trigger' fitted, which is really nice trigger, BUT and it's a Big BUT, the sear really drags on the hammer something rotten and i wondered if any one has overcome this problem, well i say problem it has obviously done this from new, and there is no doubt it shoots well with it, but if the drag can be sorted it will significantly improve the lock-time and the whole firing sequence.
Anyway, i'd love to chat with anyone who's had experience with this fine rifle.

I would also appreciate folks thoughts on this, i'd like to fit a pressure gauge to the TM-100 but this would mean drilling a hole into the air-tube and the nice target stock, i feel confident i can do a half decent job of it but it means the air-tube will no longer be original or undamaged, so would this be a nice up-grade? or would it devalue and spoil the rifle?? Everything else i've done or going to do is fully reversible, but this is a one way trip, what say you??

I almost forgot, the pictures are of my much loved (and modifyed) 'Air Arms S400 Carbine', it has one of my own regulator's fitted along with a "Floating Hammer" i developed back in 2012, it gives me over 105 regulated shots all at 11.5 FP, which i think is not bad for a humble carbine, something i had not expected was an improvement in accuracy after fitting the Floating-Hammer, i put this down to only one puff of air going up the barrel behind the pellet and not the normal 7 or 8 puff's from a regular hammer, i swapped the original hammer back in to prove it wasn't a fluke.
The scope sitting on top is a Konus 12-60x56, it's a lovely scope with a really nice and very fine cross hair.

Well i've gone on for long enough here, Sorry about that, just hope i have done this right?

Take Care all, and good health to you all, and thank you for letting me join the group.
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#2 Re: Hi from Pete and my Air Arms s400 and me!

Mon Nov 19, 2018 9:19 am

Welcome on board Pete !

Nice intro. , and per your questions several chaps you can definitely reach out to are:

1. Jon Harris >> https://www.pimpmyairgun.com/viewtopic.php?f=153&t=1900

2. Mick Tromans >> https://www.pimpmyairgun.com/viewtopic.php?f=213&t=280

3. Sean Hill >> viewtopic.php?f=103&t=25


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