AWESOME website - Needs a little contribution from you...

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#1 AWESOME website - Needs a little contribution from you...

Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:55 am

I use Martin's pictures to promote his website and to ogle them lustful air rifle pics. :mrgreen: ... te-to-pop/

Help out if you can :?: >>>

"A load of people have asked me about doing this so I thought I’d give it a go and see what happens.

I originally did the Pellet On Pellet badges to help support the site with the running costs, on average it costs about £400 to run this site. As well as the server space we’ve got various paid for plug-ins that help make the site work better and provide better content than I could do by hand.

The Gallery plug-in, for example, makes short work of uploading and displaying the pictures I take but the downside of that is that it costs me £100 per year. The biggest cost has been using the iPhone to do the little videos, I’m always running out of bandwidth and regularly use 3gb per month, the downside is it’s £5 per GB. Stuff also breaks, I’ve had a couple of camera cards go, it happens and they aren’t that cheap.

I plan to keep PoP going and for it always to be free, I’m not a good enough writer or photographer to have the balls to ask people to pay and I want to promote the sport that I love.

So if you don’t want a badge or already have one and still want to help you can donate as much or little as you want here:

You’ll get a big thanks from me and I’ll always use the money to buy something that supports the site and what we are trying to do.

If you’re wondering what I make from the Google Adverts then I’ll tell you that since we started we’ve made £52.50, which is not a great deal but it all helps. So, if you don’t want to donate you can just click on a few ads a week to help us that way and that costs you nothing but a bit of time.

I’m really touched that people have offered to help and find my ramblings and pictures worthwhile. Help if you want and if you don’t that’s also cool.



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