Contact Details - Thomas Air

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#1 Contact Details - Thomas Air

Tue Sep 27, 2016 6:50 pm

Phone: +1 970 275 9247

"2015 WRABF World Championships

The 2015 WRABF World Benchrest Championships were held in Brisbane, Australia this past July. They were attended by more than 16 countries and more than 130 shooters. Team USA consisted of 6 shooters from across the country.....Doug Miller, Vipha Miller, Paul Bendix, Todd Banks, Matt Lababedy, and Abdul Lababedy. The journey to Australia, however, was not uneventful for some of the team. Qantas Airlines lost Doug and Vipha's equipment, and was unable to recover it until just before practice ended....leaving them severely disadvantaged and very stressed. Without rifles and gear, they could do nothing but watch the rest of the competitors practice for the event. Once they finally received their gear, there was only enough time to get it checked for compliance, and to fire a few shots before practice was closed. Some of the teams had arrived a month early to learn the conditions and the peculiarities of the range. Despite their setbacks, they forged ahead and were able to lead team USA to a Gold and Silver medal in the HV division....also earning Silver and Bronze medals for their individual performance. Doug, Vipha, Paul, and Todd shot Thomas BR rifles for the competition."

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