Fwb 800 FT - USA Mod

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Go to Rifle: Feinwerkbau 800
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#1 Fwb 800 FT - USA Mod

Wed Jun 11, 2014 8:31 pm

Credit: http://www.network54.com/Forum/79537/me ... %28pics%29

http://www.network54.com/Forum/451309/t ... %28pics%29

Nice one Chenglo1 !


"Well guys, i finally have my new pride and joy put together. She started life as a 10 meter FWB P800. Alan worked his magic over the winter and spring and finally got her shooting properly at 12 fpe. To my understanding this is the first P800 to shoot 12 fpe on our shores.

The side wheel and riser were custom made for me by Pete Matos from TN. His work is phenomenal and really match up to my gear quite well as you can see below.

I'll save the rest of my rambling for the FT side of the yellow as those guys may have a slightly higher degree of interest in an FT setup. I just thought i'd post a couple of pics to share with my fellow airgunners on this side of the yellow. Now if i can only find time to shoot it!

Cheng "


" Hi all, I finally have my P800 fitted with all her bells and whistles. She started out life as a 10m rifle and after many months in Alans shop, has been converted to 12 fpe. He was able to shoot 50 yd 1/2 inch groups off of sand bags at his range on calm days with it. I tried to replicate it but could not as I only had an open field out to 50 yards. My best was a 4 shot group at 1.25 inches. Chrony results were very tight from 795 to 805 with JSB 8.4 gr. I get 115 to 120 shots per 200BAR fill before she falls off the reg. This is the first P800 to be on our shores that can shoot 12 fpe as far as I know. FWB has announced they have them on their website but so far none have made it over. There was quite a bit of work involved that I had to swear to Alan I would not disclose except for the obvious things you may be able to tell from the pictures. ill tell ya it was not easy free floating the barrel!

The side wheel and riser were custom made for me by Pete Matos. He is a pleasure to work with and does some seriously nice work. I should mention that I have a red aluminum Omictin modified 20 fpe P70FTAZ also fitted with Pete's riser and wheel. I don't have photo's of that rig yet but as time permits, i'll post again in the near future. I hope to shoot with some of you this year. we shall see how my work schedule ends up during the US Natsv though. Hope ya like the eye candy. "
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#2 Re: Fwb 800 FT - USA Mod

Sat Jun 14, 2014 6:53 pm

No its the second by a good 17 months. Jan 2013 was the first with your National Champ.
I bought the mod back October 2013 to take measurements and currently using. Will have to return one day.

Serious zero shift with that Cheng and keep your eye every shot on the rear of action it will pack up if used. If you don't you could end up with a scrap action.
If a jobs worth doing, do it right or not at all.

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