Steyr 5- SEMI AUTOMATIC (!!!)

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#1 Steyr 5- SEMI AUTOMATIC (!!!)

Sat Dec 07, 2013 9:44 pm

..simply pull the trigger as fast as you can...till youre out of pellets ! :shock: :o

I'll be at IWA 2014 - so will get more specs., details and availability as well as pricing- and whether HUNTER 5 can be 'kit fitted' & how much ...


UK Legal status on owning this in UK (credit: raygun)

"BASC asked the question and this is the answer.

The Home Office have consulted ACPO and the Crown Prosecution Service about the legal status of these
weapons and have agreed, in the absence of a court ruling, that the issue should be resolved formally at the next
legislative opportunity. In the meantime chief officers are advised that self-loading or pump-action rifled airguns
should continue to be regarded as falling outside the certification process provided that they are low powered
and do not fall within the Firearms (Dangerous Air Weapons) Rules 1969."

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#2 Re: Steyr 5- SEMI AUTOMATIC (!!!)

Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:47 pm

BUGGER ! Video of semi auto has been removed... :(


"thank you very much for your e-mail.

It is really crazy what a video launched by mistake can cause. The company producing the video launched the link by mistake and we got more response as if we wanted to launch it officially I think.

The Hunting 5 what you saw will be introduced next year only. I did not even see the video. So I think you have more knowledge than me! Luckily IWA 2014 is not far away and we will be glad to give you all possible information in Nuremberg.

Kind regards

Harald Wieser
Global Sales Manager

Olympiastr. 1, 4432 Ernsthofen, Austria "

#3 Re: Steyr 5- SEMI AUTOMATIC (!!!)

Sat Dec 14, 2013 2:47 pm


I saw the vid bout 2 weeks ago. It was neat as heck. Not sure how steyr did the modification but I own a hunting 5 and would gladly welcome the semi auto feature. The lp50 pistol is semi suto and the mag advances with air from each shot fired. This of course might be wasting air in the eyes of some. In the lp50 platform not a big deal as you get many shots 60 or 70 maybe? Cant recall as I sold it. The h5 only yields 34 rounds b4 falling off reg. I would not want to sacrifice more than 5 shots for this feature. I am hoping they did a mechanical modification where the semi auto occurs via springs and levers No air being spent. Once a semi auto gets on sale hope someone will share how its done so we can mod ours!

#4 Re: Steyr 5- SEMI AUTOMATIC (!!!)

Sun Mar 09, 2014 8:59 pm

just spotted this on a german facebook page, ... :D

semi auto.jpg
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#5 Re: Steyr 5- SEMI AUTOMATIC (!!!)

Mon Mar 10, 2014 2:31 pm

...the gun was high up and would have required a chair for my pic...

...thanks for your pic find.
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#7 Re: Steyr 5- SEMI AUTOMATIC (!!!)

Fri Feb 27, 2015 4:34 pm

credit: ... smer1=desc

Steyr Auto 5.png
Steyr Auto 5 -ii.png
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#8 Re: Steyr 5- SEMI AUTOMATIC (!!!)

Sun Mar 01, 2015 6:07 pm

No question it's a good price , even more so with the £ being so strong against the €.
Slightly better price than where I got mine from.
But has this guy successfully sent one into the UK ?.
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#9 Re: Steyr 5- SEMI AUTOMATIC (!!!)

Sun Mar 01, 2015 8:23 pm

Oldtanky wrote:No question it's a good price , even more so with the £ being so strong against the €.
Slightly better price than where I got mine from.
But has this guy successfully sent one into the UK ?.


well yes..he's sent me several multiple Steyrs (LG110 X 2) my way & delivered to my UK doorstep fact I suggested you use him way back via email when discussing this ...recall now ???

NB: Non issue THAT ITS "SEMI AUTO" .. PER PREVIOUS UK AUTHORITIES CLEARANCE & numerous email "greenlight"...this is UK Legal at absolutely no legal or valid reason for Mr UK Customs to "confiscate" or "intercept" for power testing or waiting for Higher Authority to give judgement :mrgreen:
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#10 Re: Steyr 5- SEMI AUTOMATIC (!!!)

Mon Mar 02, 2015 8:23 am

I'm not asking you that , read the question , it's about Hunting 5 semi auto nothing else.
Has HE successfully sent a Steyr Hunting 5 semi automatic to the UK , without any problems .
I do recall him and our emails .
Is till have the documentation , that helped me in getting the semi autos into the UK , even though the border Agency / Customs never used them.
The only people asking questions were the courier service , and it's none of there business , tell them it's anything you like , marital aides is always a good one , a specially if you are being questioned by a woman on the phone .
If any one would like copies of documentation , PM me .
If he has , I can send his details to 7 people looking to bring one in to the UK , who are border line purchasers , the only thing putting them off is the high price .
This guys prices might tip the balance for them , to bring in the finest hunting air rifle ( UK legal ) in the world .
As I said , better price than I got from Germany .

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