Mac1 - Hunter Bench Rest


#11 Re: Mac1 - Hunter Bench Rest

Mon Dec 24, 2012 4:32 pm

AdminMASTER wrote:
JEV wrote:Maybe he is shooting game from a rest in a hide so he has set the gun up for this purpose. Must be his own hybrid designation.
Must be so Jim, as I forgot to post the definitely not used for target plinking, since his gun is 0.22
Hunter is a gun that is NOT Canted. We call it upright. Most would call it more conventional. All the guns I make can be Benchrest or FT. The Hunter is best for those that want to make LIGHT AS POSSIBLE guns and use them in the field or in Light Varmint Benchrest. They can also be 38 FPE beasts.
Guns can be fitted with tubes from 20-30" for an UNREGULATED low Pressure set-up or Regulated HPA Tanks from 13-22 CI that operate @ 3K PSI.
The weight of the Regulated set-ups is slightly lighter and more aft weight bias than a tube gun.
The WFTF FT guns & Light Varmint Benchrest guns can be set at 12 FPE Output (for export or domestic use) in ONLY the HPA regulated version. I do not offer a low pressure unregulated tube gun in 12 fpe.
Because of the modular nature of the Mac1 US FT/Hunter Platform is is feasible to have a valve tool, extra exhaust valve weight adjustable hammer and transfer port so a gun can be easily switched between different power levels. I make Hammers with threaded bosses so it is easily swapped from 20-30+ fpe. Lighter hammers (1/2oz) are appropriate for the 12FPE guns.
Barrel mounts are what constitute the canted feature and the left or right handed nature of the US FT guns. It is feasible to have both a Hunter Barrel Mount and a Canted US FT barrel mount and be able to easily switch between upright Hunter and canted US FT.
With the right combination of spare parts, barrels and Tanks the guns configuration can be reset to be what you want it to be and then something else as well.
Add to the confusion of options available, the guys who own Hunters invariably call them US FT HUnters.
To me a Hunter Benchrest means it is an Upright gun with the BR parts set that makes it suitable for shooting off a proper benchrest. In my guns the BR designation is basically a BenchMark Barrel which is a Proper Benchrest quality barrel and that gun could be used in the Worlds BR Heavy Varmint 20 FPE Competition. Most Hunters are sold to Hunters that just want a really accurate Airgun. For every competition gun we build we are building 10 times that for casual to serious hunters who want to know the gun isn't the weak link.
The Benchmark Barrel won the 2011 BR worlds and are out there winning 50 yard rimfire BR matches as well. .2" CTC at 50 yards is pretty amazing.
I've been shooting my US FT #7 .22 cal Stainless barrel gun in FT & heavy Varmint Benchrest this year and won a FT Match Yesterday with it. .22 is so much more accurate now than ever before it can now take the .177 FT guns on. It shoots 13.43 JSB RS @ 815 FPS and gets blown by the wind a lot less than .177.
One thing I've observed is when people buy a Switchable arraNGEMENT THEY FIND TWO SET-UPS THEY LIKE AND THEN BUY ANOTHER GUN TO AVOID SWITCHING. hUMAN NATURE i GUESS. It is why so many guys and gals have multiple guns.

I have struggled in the past to get 12 fpe guns in my unregulated platform to work well. I have now figured out how to do it and we have Light Varmint HPA regulated 12 fpe HUnters that are shooting very well indeed.

.22 Benchmark barrel won the Worlds Airgun BR in 2011 and took 3rd as well as being the barrel on all three of the top USA qualifiers (Team USA that got the GOLD!)

.22 does work for Target especially in the wind where I shot High card of the Worlds Heavy Varmint class. 20 fpe max.


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